THE NIGHT! May 19,1986 – UFOS in the Brazilian Skies
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By Mariana Raad*
First published on Revista Força Aérea Magazine
Nb13 Year 11 Jun/jul/Ago 2006 Isaque
Translation: Alberto Francisco do Carmo

– As appeared on Force Area magazine(Brazil),Year 11,Nb 43-Jun/Jul/ Aug.2006-) a civil magazine dedicated to military aviation affairs. Brazilian Air force has a modest newsletter, ”Aerovisão”.
In the night of May 19, 1986, the radars that control the Brazilian skies over São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Anápolis, suddenly began to detect odd things. Even now the phenomena that took place during those few frenetic hours have not been explained. Besides, the radar operators of CINDACTA (namely Primeiro Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo– First Aerial Defense and Air Traffic Control Integrated Center), fighter pilots and also civilian pilots participated of attempts to identify those unexplained plots(1), and this included visual contacts, but up to now there are no concrete solutions in order to explain what happened.
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